Saturday, July 15, 2006


We had a BBQ for my mom's group today and found the one thing that could keep Grant corralled. It was a beautiful day and we had quilts on the lawn so the kids could play outside. Grant was tearing around doing his normal rounds but we noticed when he got near the edge of the quilt he acted like he was going to fall off the end. We realized it was the grass that he was trying to avoid. So considering the loving and nurturing type of parents we are we quickly picked him up and put him on the grass. He immediately lifted up one foot and was whining to be picked up. So we put him on his stomach and he couldn't work out out to get up without using his hands. He was on his stomach with both of his feet and hands in the air and he really wasn't happy. No matter how much we tried he never got used to it and was happy just staying on the quilt. I now need to figure out how to grow a lawn indoors to keep him in one place. :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I was little, my mom would go out in the yard and do... gardening stuff. She kept me contained by putting a blanket down on the grass and putting me on the blanket. Grass was more reliable than a playpen. I don't know how old I was when I became willing to walk on it barefoot, but I definitely have clear memories of refusing to do so...